Thursday, August 28, 2008


You've probably seen this pic before, but if not...


So I can't blog 'cause there's been no progress. I'm afraid of my own blog!!

Let's see, what helped me lose weight in the past.....

loss of boyfriend
new boyfriend

ok, what's up with men controlling my weight?!?

also salads and lots of running seem to do the trick.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Another week passes

Damnit...still haven't lost the 5lbs of my first goal mark. See why I'm frustrated!! Aaaaahhhh.

Ok, so back to it. I went to yoga last night, and then the gym today. About 40 minutes cardio, then hand weights for the arms, plus ab work.

I'm starting to get seriously bored at the gym, though. I need a new challenge. Running is good because you can give yourself goals as you go, and frankly, it's always tough. I'll take that back up when it's about 20 degrees lower. Still jogging, but nothing too strenuous ...can't do it in 80/90 degree weather. Ok, ok - I could get up at 5am every morning and do it.

Maybe boxing? I've always wanted to try that.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

i am a blob

It's turning out to be one of those weeks - the kind where I get no exercise, drink a lot and have no time to cook. I blame work. I really have no social life this week, so it's all work. Lots of meetings of the drinking variety after work. Most are in the early part of the week, though friends in the latter half.

This is where being a morning exerciser would really help. I do go jogging in the morning, but only in spurts. For a couple weeks, I'll do it every other morning, then I revert back to the gym after work when I'm too tired to get up in the Am. Maybe tomorrow?

Oh, and last week was a 4x exercise week. I'm hoping I even hit 3 this week!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Friday workout?

Exercise tally so far this week (and some excuses):

Sunday - 1 1/2hr yoga (the tough kind, not a meditative class)

Monday - none (felt sick, called out of work, slept a lot and drank lots of liquids)

Tuesday - 55 minutes (aha!) cardio, which included some time on Precor, Elliptical, and the rower; also some ab work in AM

Wednesday - none (long day at work)

Thursday - 45 minutes on Elliptical xtrainer, plus 2 sets of squats, lunges, and a variety of arm free weights

So, the question is, will I get 4 or 5 days of workouts in this week? Five means I need to work out tomorrow, Friday, which is tough. I'm drinking a glass of wine now, so it's unlikely that I'll get up in time to go for a run (which i've been neglecting of late), but after work, co-workers will want me to go to happy hour. .... Stay tuned.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

55 minutes of exercise - 5 days a week

A new study came out recently that says you need 55 minutes of daily activity five times a week in order to sustain weight loss.

Reality check: How many of you get 55 minutes (not counting the walk from the car to the office) every day? yeah, me neither. I try, and some weeks I hit that, but lately it's been more like four.

"A new study has found that for overweight and obese women seeking to lose weight, fifty-five minutes of exercise a day, five days a week is needed to lose 10 per cent of overall body weight over two years," a CBC news report says.

The study was done by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh. Read more here.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

29, bitches

My 29th birthday rolled around this week, and I celebrated - a few times, and until 7am last night, er, this morning. The age I'm supposed to be the rest of my life, right? I thought I would hate it, that it would sound old, and just one stop closer to 30. In fact, my entire 28th year I dreaded turning 29. But I actually love it. Of course I'm only on my 3rd day as a 29yo, but I've decided it means that I have a free pass to do what I want and to do it well. If I want to wear these ratty clothes out today, I"m gonna, and if I want to make out on roof tops on 3rd avenue, I'm gonna.

More importantly, though, I'm looking at my 29th year as a sort of year-long New Year's resolution. Any habit, quality about myself, or even insecurity that I dislike, they're going out the window at the end of this year. I plan to enter my thirties without any baggage. Baggage to be discarded includes these 15 pounds, but some other, non-weight related items as well. Smoking is on my hit list. Though I'm not a smoker, I get that puffing urge whenever I get truly trashed. Then I wake up the next morning not only with a hangover but also a scratchy voice, and wheezy lungs that making running an even less distinct possibility never mind the booze oozing from my pores.

So, that's numero uno: no more smoking - at all. I know some of you of thinking, sure, we know you know, as soon as those Marlboro Lights come out at 3am, you'll be all over 'em. I say no ladies. No smokers' lungs allowed in your thirties.

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